Commercial Gallery
Brighton Racecourse
A programme of archaeological work was carried out in respect of the proposed construction of a new car park and associated access at Brighton Racecourse, Brighton, East Sussex.
These works assessed the archaeological potential of the development area and included a geophysical survey and archaeological evaluation comprising 14 trenches. The geophysical survey identified a number of anomalies, most notably two rectilinear structures located approximately 80m apart in the central portion of the proposed car parking area.
Evaluation trenches confirmed the presence of 18th-20th century structural remains in both locations, little more than 100mm below the ground surface. Further trenches were used to sample the site and confirmed a significant level of 19th-20th century made ground deposits and associated landscaping. However, at the southwest end of the development, adjacent to the upstanding Scheduled Ancient Monument, and at the north end no made ground deposits were recorded.
Three undated postholes were also identified and it has been suggested that both areas have the potential for significant surviving archaeological deposits. An appropriate level of mitigation has therefore been recommended.