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Commercial Gallery

Lewes Site


An archaeological evaluation, as well as a watching brief, were undertaken within the Scheduled Monument of Lewes Castle.


In total five 2m x 1m evaluation trenches were opened. A single posthole was recorded in Trench 2, associated with a 20th century garden feature. A section of probable medieval wall was recorded in Trench 1. The wall had been robbed of masonry, as evidenced by two pits, although a single ashlar block survived in situ, as well as its chalk block foundation. It was not possible to record the width of the wall, although it appeared to be orientated southeast to northwest.


A demolition deposit, also containing medieval pottery and a notable amount of tile was recorded above the wall. The wall is clearly associated with a large structure located close to the southern curtain wall defining the bailey of Lewes Castle.


Also recovered from the Site was a moderate assemblage of 13th to 14th pottery and tile. The tile assemblage included a high percentage of ‘wasters that had been freshly fired and indicate that a tile kiln had once stood close to, or on the Site.

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