Team Member Profiles
Vivienne Blandford MA
Vivienne is a landscape archaeologist who is currently assessing and interpreting the Weald Forest Ridge LiDAR images. This includes transcribing (creating lines and polygons) on the LiDAR images and creating a separate GIS layer and database of the archaeological features found.
In the Ashdown Forest and Old Lodge projects, and as a volunteer working in other areas of the Weald Forest Ridge, she has pioneered methods for ‘ground truthing’ a selection of the LiDAR features in the field to assess whether the judgement made by looking at the images on screen is correct.
Vivienne is local to Ashdown and Sheffield Forest and has a good understanding of the historic and cultural landscape and the type of archaeology likely to be found there. She has experience in desk-based research and fieldwork for the preparation of cultural and historic landscape context assessments for specific areas and in the preparation of Conservation Management Plans.
She is an Affiliate member of the IFA.
Anne Locke MA
Anne has been working on the East Sussex HER since 2008, including evaluating it for an English Heritage-funded audit and benchmarking review.
She has extensive experience in creating records on HBSMR through her input of over several thousand new records to the East Sussex HER. Included in this are those contributed by Chris Butler during Phase 1 of the Ashdown Forst survey and through LiDAR transcriptions produced by Vivienne Blandford. Not only has this added to the wealth of material recorded on the HER, this combined work has also enhanced many of the existing HER records.
Anne has an MA in Managing Archaeological Sites (UCL 2005) and good all-round knowledge and understanding of the historic environment of Sussex. This has been acquired through over ten years participation in volunteer field archaeology, and study at Sussex University.
She is an Affiliate member of the IFA and has completed a temporary contract working with the English Heritage policy team.