Here are some dates to note in your diary for planning the year ahead at Brede, fuller details will follow nearer the time.
On the 9th April we will be returning to the iron working site that we started work on last year. The excavation and work in this part of the wood will take place over three weeks which will give us enough time to thoroughly explore the iron-working site. As it is difficult to estimate in advance how much time we will need to spend at the iron-working site we may also be investigating further charcoal platforms, carrying out a walk over survey on the site and surroundings of Austford farm and seeing whether we can find any remains of World War Two activities within the woods nearby.
17th June - 22nd June we will be finalising the archaeological excavations and consolidating the remaining foundations at Brede High Farmhouse. Whilst in nearby Coneyburrow Wood (or Coneybury on old maps), we shall be excavating a saw-pit and some charcoal platforms. During this period we will have an open day to which the public will be invited to view a live dig. We will display some of our findings, including the oral history aspect of this project, and involve schools in charcoal making activities.
We will have a final week at Brede in mid September, details to be announced in due course.