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Bronze Age and Saxon Remains at Itford Farm, Beddingham, East Sussex.

Chris Butler

An evaluation excavation undertaken by CBAS at Itford Farm, Beddingham, located a Bronze Age ritual site with parallels to the Bronze Age ritual site on Itford Hill situated a short distance to the east of this new discovery. The full excavation recorded a horseshoe-shaped gully within a shallow hollow with numerous associated postholes and stakeholes. Over this was an oval deposit of natural flints on top of which a number of broken Post Deverel-Rimbury pots had been deposited. Adjacent to this was a further area of flint associated with evidence of in-situ flint knapping.

The excavation of a service trench nearby revealed a deep feature of later Saxon date with a complex stratigraphy. In the bottom of this feature were numerous disarticulated bones of pig, cattle, sheep and dog. The discovery of this feature can be linked to the recent discovery of a Saxon sunken featured building in an adjacent field, and confirms the importance of this site on the east side of the River Ouse in both Bronze Age and Saxon times.

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