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Wish Tower, Eastbourne Memorial Project

Chris Butler

Chris Butler Archaeological Services are proud to announce that we will be working with The Eastbourne Civilian War Memorial Trust on the Wish Tower Memorial Project.

Eastbourne has been without a visible memorial to the 180 civilians who lost their lives in the Second World War bombing raids since the demolition of the Wish Tower Sun Lounge and Café in 2012.

We will be conducting an archaeological watching brief at the Wish Tower in order to aid The Eastbourne Civilian War Memorial Trust in establishing a permanent memorial in the town, publicly remembering the names of the victims. This memorial will reside within a newly designed peace garden within the moat of the Wish Tower. Many people currently living in Eastbourne had relatives killed during the Blitz. Chris is no exception as his Great Grandmother and Great Aunt were killed in one raid during 1943. CBAS are therefore proud to be associated with this important memorial.

The Eastbourne Civilian War Memorial Trust is kindly asking for any donations to their £75,000 funding appeal. So far they have raised £30,000 but require another £45,000 in order to complete the project. If you would like to find out more about the Wish Tower Memorial Project or how you can donate to their cause, please browse the Wish Tower Memorial Project Leaflet (download) or visit

We look forward to seeing this significant project completed and hope that the Wish Tower memorial and peace garden will be revered as a central place of remembrance for the residents of Eastbourne for many years to come.

Wish Tower Memorial Project Leaflet found here

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